Braxton and Brody dressed up 3 different times for Halloween. For the Branch party they were both grim reapers. For their school parties Brody was a skeleton and Braxton taped dum dum (suckers) to his shirt and smarties (yes the candy) to his pants and was a "Dum Dum Smartie Pants" (very clever:) )!!!

On Halloween night Ryley came over and Carey took the three boys out trick or treating. They had a blast. Ryley was adorable when he would go to the houses and say trick or treat.

This is what the boys looked like for the Branch party. The boys ran around and scared all the litte princesses and fairies. Boys will be boys...

This is me and some of the girls from work. It was so fun to see all the little kids in their costumes. Dr whiting dressed up as a doctor (boring :) )
I felt pretty cool being a super hero for a day!
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